Enterprise & Supplier Development

O ur Enterprise and Supplier Development programme is meant to improve the quality of entrepreneurship in South Africa by contributing toward the busilding of a solid foundation in running a business. Our programme includes the following services that can be offered as stand alone as well as collectively as a coordinated programme

Our programme includes the following services that can be offered as stand alone as well as collectively as a coordinated programme.

Solution Approach

  • SMME business set-up assistance.
  • SMME business skills incubation programme.
  • SMME mentorship and coaching.
  • SMME business skills workshops & Sketching.
  • SMME database development

Key Advantage

ur Enterprise and Supplier Development programme is meant to improve the quality of entrepreneurship in South Africa by contributing toward the busilding of a solid foundation in running a business. Our programme includes the following services that can be offered as stand alone as well as collectively as a coordinated programme.

  • Customized Solutions.
  • Cost Savings.
  • Change Management.
  • Quality Improvement.
  • Benchmarking and Best Practices.
  • Continual Improvement.


Customer Satisfaction

Great Consulting!

The consulting engagement begins with the consultant or consulting team working closely with the client to understand the client's business, goals, challenges, and objectives.

Mrs. Emily Sophia
Froxio, CEO
Great Consulting!

The specific services offered by business consultants can vary widely depending on the consultant's expertise and the needs of the client. Consultants typically work closely with their clients.

Mr. Thomas Robert
Maxcrio, HR
Great Consulting!

The information you might include in a Managing Director's profile or information list typically consists of the individual's background, experience, and responsibilities within a company.

Mrs. Flurance Miyagi
Froxio, CEO
Great Consulting!

You can adjust the length and style of the line to match the overall design and formatting of your document. Some other divider options include dashes, stars, or even a graphical element.

Mr. Rakhab Uddin
Nurio, CEO
Our People

Excellent Service Provided by Our Superb Consultant.

Explore People
Founder & Managing Director
Mr. Pheladi Maepa
Manager: Quality Control

Excellent Service Provided by Our Superb Consultant.

The Enterprise and Supplier Development program aims to improve the quality of entrepreneurship in South Africa by providing assistance, incubation, mentorship, workshops, and database development services to small, medium, and micro-sized enterprises (SMMEs).

SMMEs based in South Africa are eligible to participate in the program. These enterprises typically fall within the small, medium, and micro-sized categories.S

The program offers assistance in several forms, including mentorship, workshops, incubation services, and database development.

Mentors are assigned to SMMEs to provide guidance, advice, and support in various aspects of business development and management.

The program aims to help SMMEs improve their business viability, sustainability, and growth potential, ultimately contributing to economic development and job creation in South Africa.